University of Southern Somalia,
Baidoa, South-West State of Somalia
Academic Quality Assurance Framework 2020
The Academic Quality Assurance Framework has been adapted from the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area, May 2015. The Framework defines the structures, responsibilities, processes and timelines for ensuring that academic programs are suitable for the specific purpose they’ve been designed for, viable, and meet/satisfy both national and international standards. Furthermore, it ensures that, upon completion of their specific course and specialization, students have a comparably commensurate educational knowledge and experience to that of elsewhere in any part of Europe or the world. The USS AQA Framework is composed of the items produced here below as the key elements and components of the structures for quality assurance:
. Design, Approval and Modification of Programs
. Academic Program Quality Review
. Course Quality Review
. Assessment and Grading System
. Faculty and Vetting System for Hiring Academic Faculty
. Professional Staff and Vetting Procedures for Hiring
. Selection Process for Students and Vetting of Student Certificates
. Teaching and Learning Resources
. Faculty Potential for Academic Supervision
. Public Information – Academic Programs (quality & detail of information)
. Academic Information Management System
. Cyclical External Quality Assurance
Institutional Quality Assurance Framework
The Institutional QA Framework includes all administrative departments, units, services and processes that are followed in the administrative and decision-making steps of the USS’s overall operation.
Evaluation of the QA Framework Internal Review
The Academic Quality Assurance Framework is reviewed by the Academic Council and/or the Board of Executive Directors or someone appointed by the Executive Board of Directors to undertake that is being implemented effectively.
External Review
To ascertain its suitability and relevance, the USS Quality Assurance Framework for academic programs will undergo periodic evaluation by external experts and partner institutions accrediting the USS. The USS Academic Quality Assurance system for Accreditation by any Ministry of Education or international accreditation agency requires that each program of one academic year or longer, and leading to the award of an academic degree, certificate, or diploma is accredited by the designated SWSS Ministry of Education & Higher Education, a regional accreditation organization, a licensed partner in tertiary education, continental accreditation institution, or an international accreditation body that conforms to the international standards. Accreditation for a newly organized or a newly introduced program of study can be conducted two years after the first batch of students has graduated from the program. The USS will conduct renewal of its accreditation every four or five years and modify its curriculum accordingly. The USS will require approval of the Academic Council before applying to an accreditation institution to start offering a new Bachelor’s, or Master’s, or a PhD program.
International & Professional Accrediting and Licensing Agencies
The management and administrative system of the USS will apply for acceptance and recognition of its programs by developing and promoting relationships as well as solid programs that are comparable to those offered by international professional bodies that recognize and license professionals qualifying and/or graduating from the USS. It is also the responsibility of the academic faculties, centers and institutes affiliated to the USS to cooperate with local, national, regional, continental and international institutions and organizations for professional certifications wherever possible to ensure currency with developments and standards within the specific fields the USS and its affiliate organs are active in.