Prof. Dr. Mohamed A. Eno
Eno, M. A. (forthcoming). Horizontal Aberration: Poems
Farah, A. O. & Eno, M. A. (editors; forthcoming). Somali Society and Social Theory
Eno, M.A. & Mweseli, M. N. (forthcoming) Politishenzi and Policy-Mockers (in press,University of Nairobi Press)
Eno, M. A., Eno, O. A., & Aweys, M. (forthcoming) The Subaltern Voice in Somali Society
Eno, M. A. and Kahyana, D. S. (forthcoming). The Social Movement Factor in Ali Jimale Ahmed’s Work: A Theoretical Analysis of Selected Poems
Abukar, M., Aweys, M. & Eno, M. (ongoing paper) “Academic Dishonesty…”
Eno, M. A. & Aweys, M. (ongoing paper). “Vulnerable Yesterday, Vulnerable Today, Vulnerable Tomorrow: How Gender Eclipses the Plight of Minority Women.”
Eno, M. A. & Aweys, M. (ongoing paper). “The Poor Status of Education in the South-West State of Somalia.”
Eno, M. A. & Aweys, M. (ongoing paper). “The Legacy of Sheikh Aweys Al-Qadiriyyah in Somali Society.”
Hamza, S. H., Ahmed, A. J. & Eno, M. A. (ongoing paper). “Reflections on the Life of Poetess Maymuna Biyow”
Eno, M. A. & Aweys, M. (ongoing paper) “Turkey in Somalia: Islam and Aid from a Geopolitical Perspective.”