

Welcome to the University of Southern Somalia’s Network of Scholars, Researchers, Assistant Researchers, and Professionals.

When Professor Abdi M. Kusow conceived the idea of creating a higher learning institution in the South-West, he was challenging scholars of the South-West to join him in addressing one of the most problematic issues prevailing in the area at the time—the lack of an indigenous but credible higher education institution. But with the creation of the University of Southern Somalia, the offshoot of Kusow’s concept, the youth and the entire South-West State communities forwarded another challenge—that of qualified professors who could inspire the young scholars by bringing in modern leadership and academic reform so as to give the university a face-lift. Professors Mohamed A. Eno and Ali M. Kusow were appointed as resident professors to respond to the request and navigate the path through the reform and restructuring process.

Not much relief was experienced when another challenge was raised.  This time, too ambitious for world class higher education and scientific research in the multiple disciplines, the young intellectuals learning at the USS posed yet another challenge—that of research—and, in this case, taking the two resident professors to task. In response, the professors, Mohamed Eno and Ali Kusow, contacted their fellow scholars and constituted a list of network of distinguished scholars, researchers, assistant researchers and professionals to work in close relationship with the university. In the course of a short period of time, and with a strategic plan and approval from the USS Board of Executive Directors, a research institute named Hakaba Institute for Research and Training was created ad launched to assume the role of research and all activities and duties related to it. The result has produced a USS network of academics, researchers, assistant researcher and professionals of multiple nationalities and fields of specialization, the like of which no higher learning institution in Somalia has ever witnessed. The list below (which is continuing to grow) speaks for itself as you browse through next section.   

The Network of Scholars and Researchers of the University Of Southern Somalia

Prof. Dr. Mohamed H. Mukhtar

Savannah State University: History

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research interest: Somali history; Somali language; African and Middle Eastern history; history of Islam; Islamic & Middle Eastern civilizations; political Islam, Islam and global security; Islam and global economy; leadership

Prof. Dr. Ali Jimale Ahmed

Queens College; & the Graduate School, City University of New York (CUNY): Literature; Comparative Literature

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: Literature; literary criticism; literary thought & philosophy of literature; creative writing; African philosophy; comparative literature in global context; poetry, short story writing; creative writing and the novel, quality assurance, classical literature, postcolonial studies, political theory, social theory, leadership in higher education, educational policy, educational philosophy, educational research methodology, social science methods, educational methods.


Prof. Dr. Abdi M. Kusow

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Iowa State University, USA: sociology

Expertise & research Interest: sociological theory, political sociology, sociology of migration and the dynamics of the diaspora, social development, methodology, social work, social science methods, truancy and delinquency, marginalization, ethnic & minority studies, leadership, sociology of health & social work, sociology and comparative social theory, quality assurance, sociology of the insider/outsider identity politics.

Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir O. Farah

Aalborg University, Denmark: Political Science

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: political science, international relations, political economy, diaspora & transnationalism, development aid, political theory, globalization, European studies, migration, nationalism and global citizenship, political leadership, theory of transformation in global perspective.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed A. EnoProf. Dr. Mohamed A. Eno

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Social Studies Education; Applied Linguistics & TESOL

St Clements University Lausanne, Switzerland; & St Clements University Somalia

Expertise & Research Interest: education, linguistics, poetry, social studies education, African & global studies, international education, educational policy & practice, social work, teacher education & training, community development, creative writing, literature & literary criticism, educational leadership, ethnic & minority studies, English language, applied linguistics & TESOL, quality assurance, educational policy, sociology of literature, research methodology, creative writing.

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Farah (Bursaliid)

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Political Science: Int’l Relations & Diplomacy

University of Nairobi, Kenya

Expertise & Research Interest: political science, international studies, peace and conflict studies, development & dependency theory, security studies, political theory and analysis, social development, social work, government and good governance, public administration & policy studies, politics of aid & non-profit organizations, theory & practice in diplomacy and diplomatic relations. 

Prof. Dr. Monica N. W. Mweseli (former Vice Chancellor, Kiriri Women’s University of

Science and Technology 2008 and 2009)

University of Nairobi: Literature

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: gender/women’s studies; creative writing; poetry; teacher training; literary & cultural criticism; educational leadership; world literatures; culturology; comparative literature; literature and society; African American literature; East African drama; practical criticism; language use in literature, leadership, media & society, social studies.

Prof. Anthony T. Osambo

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Tech. (JKUAT), Kenya: Accounting & Finance

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: agribusiness, business studies, accounting, finance & fiscal sciences, tax & taxation, statistics, teacher education, international business, marketing, development training, business research methods, international marketing, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, business leadership in global perspective and market research. 

Prof. Dr. Danson S. Kahyana

Makerere University, Uganda: Literature & cultural studies

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: literary criticism, creative writing, African studies, postcolonial theory, teacher education, rhetoric, cultural studies, communication studies, educational leadership, media studies, comparative literature, teacher training, educational leadership, higher education and quality assurance. 

Dr. Ibrahim A. Noor

University of Minnesota, USA: Monitoring & Evaluation

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Researcg Interest: quality assurance, development policy, policy analysis, social work, entrepreneurship, public administration, business administration, management development studies, professionalism & professional training, project design and  management. 

Prof. Dr. JKS Makokha

Kenyatta University, Kenya: Literature; Comparative Literature

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: creative writing, postcolonial theory, development theory, social work, communication studies, literature, global cultural studies, comparative literature, East African studies, educator, teacher trainer, educational policy, gender studies, global studies, media & society, social work, contemporary African society & community development, Africa in the midst of globalization.

Prof. Dr. F. Jonyo

University of Nairobi, Kenya: Political Science

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Political science, public administration, international relations & diplomacy, political theory, politics of industrialization in Africa, security studies,  dependency & development theory, politics of multinational corporations, international political economy, regional integration, conflict resolution, peacekeeping & peace-building, leadership in higher education. 

Prof. Dr. Adulahi A. Osman (Xiireey)

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Political Science

peace studies, conflict reconciliation, political analysis, international development, security studies, social work, international relations & diplomacy, public policy & administration, development consultancy, leadership & good governance, African studies and political theory.

Mohamed Haji Abdullahi (Ingiriis) DPhil (candidate: ABD)

University of Oxford, UK: Modern History/African Studies

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Somali Studies, state formation, society, culture, history and politics, leadership, diaspora & migration, gender studies, history of Islam in Africa, African political economy, development studies, development theory and dependency.

Hassan Sheikh Adan (EdD candidate)

University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada: Cross-cultural studies in education, social behavior, teacher education, teacher professional development, educational assessment, curriculum development & evaluation, community development & engagement, educational policy and planning.

Prof. Dr. Bhakti Shringarpure

Prof. Dr. Bhakti Shringarpure
University of Connecticut, USA: Comparative Literature

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Race, Ethnicity and Politics; Comparative Literature; Digital Humanities and Media Studies; Asian and Asian-American Studies; Postcolonial Literature and Theory (Anglophone and Francophone); Culture Studies; Media, Film, Space and Architecture; Global Studies.

Prof. Dr. Azzeddine Bencherab

Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara, Algeria: Applied Linguistics & TESOL

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: Communication; Culture, Media & Communication; Applied Linguistics; TESOL; Teacher Education; Curriculum Studies & Design; Communication & Technical Writing; Academic English; Theoretical Linguistics; Teacher Development & Empowerment; Professional Development; French Studies; African Studies; Teaching Quality through Clinical Supervision; Global Political Dynamics; Arab World Political Environment; Islamic Culture in the 21st Century; Language Research Methods; Pedagogy; African Literature.

Prof. Dr. Christopher Winks

Queens College, CUNY, USA: Comparative Literature;

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: Caribbean, Latin American, and African-American literature; Afro-Diasporic Aesthetics; Caribbean Negritude Poetics; Translation; Comparative Literature; Classic & Contemporary Literatures; Literary Theory; Popular Culture & Literary Politics; Politics & Media; Poetry; Post-Colonial Studies; Literary Criticism; Classical Literature.

Prof. Dr. Ali Mumin Ahad

University of Melbourne, Australia: Humanities, Historical & European Studies

University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS

Expertise & Research Interest: Humanities; European Studies; International Economics; International Business; Somali History; Post-Colonial Literature; Social & Cultural Studies; Agribusiness; Poetry; Literature & Literary Criticism; Colonial Historiographical Writing; Comparative Economic Systems; Nationhood and Global Citizenship; Ideology and Critical Discourse Analysis; Research Methodology. 

Dr. Adam Mohamed Nor Saman
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: General Medicine
Dr. Samaan Modern Clinic
Expertise & Research Interest: nutrition survey, HIV/AIDS surveillance, interpretation of ECG, infectious diseases, foundations of health & disease, clinical foundations, clinical medicine, basics of immunology, community health practices, human anatomy, medical physiology, tropical diseases, medical biochemistry, epidemiology, forensic medicine, pathology, clinical immunology.

Prof. Eng. Ali Mohamud Osman
(Microsoft Certified Engineer; International IT Examiner; External Supervisor)
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Information Technology (IT); Computer Science (Comp. Sci); Business Information Technology (BIT).
London Metropolitan University, UK
Expertise & Research Interest: database management, visual interface design, artificial intelligence, and computer languages, such as C++, Visual Basic, and JAVA, information systems management technology, cyber security management, CISCO, professional data base systems, mobile application design & development, computer systems engineering & robotics, data engineering, computer programming, artificial intelligence, cryptography & number theory, advanced computer programming, software engineering, IT security, ICDL, IT in contemporary society; IT & global security, IT as a modern culture.

Prof. Dr. Geetha Ganga
D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai, India: English Language; Post-Colonial Studies
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS (Senior Research Fellow)
Expertise & Research interest: Forced Migration and Displacement, Statelessness, Literature of Africa and its Diaspora.

Abdulwadud M. M. Ali

Abdulwadud M. M. Ali

Abdulwadud M. M. Ali is Research Coordinator in charge of the research projects undertaken by Bachelor’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree (Honors) students. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance, Faculty of Business & Technology, University of Southern Somalia. He is also a Research Fellow at Hakaba Institute for Research and Training. His research interests are in Business Studies, Economics, Business Accounting, Finance, International Business, Globalization, Islamic Banking and Managerial Accounting.