Hakaba Institute for Research and Training
Committed to Serve the Southwest State of Somalia (SWSS) and the Somali Society
Hakaba Institute for Research and Training is an affiliate organ of the University of Southern Somalia based in Baidoa, the head town of the Southwest State of Somalia. It has a responsibility to conduct and oversee the implementation of a broad range of research and training programs in the Southwest State of Somalia. It is a center that focuses on addressing pertinent social issues by engaging in research and training. The institute has a desire to extend its expertise to other parts of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
The aim of Hakaba Institute for Research & Training (HIRT) is to be a center of excellence in research and training. It strives to be a research-intensive institution that cooperates with the local communities and liaise with local and foreign partners and development stakeholders in order to conduct research based studies and training programs that benefit the society.
Objectives and Goals
Among other factors, Hakaba Institute for Research and Training aspires to:
- Focus on the identification of problems that hinder social development
- Study the problems thoroughly
- Suggest & recommend solutions to the problems
- Train and build the capacity of the community for development purposes
- Liaise and cooperate with partners engaged in development programs
- Train and prepare youths capable of conducting research
Research Areas
Public policy, Health & Medicine; Education; Community Development & Youth Engagement; Conflict, Peace, and Reconciliation Studies; Gender Studies; Minority Studies; Professional Development & Training; Business & Entrepreneurship; Capacity Building & Staff Skills Development; Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries; Engineering & Technology; Economics, Finance & Market Studies; Environmental Studies; Literature & Culture; History; Political Science; International Relations, Security & Diplomatic Studies; Society & Sociological Trends; geological & geographical sciences.
Note: If your area is not covered, please talk to us to serve you
Hakaba Institute for Research and Training has a network of internationally renowned senior academics and researchers who consist of citizens of the Southwest State of Somalia as well as colleagues and affiliates from international academic and/or institutions. They are professionals with far-reaching skills in academic supervision, research, and training—with a proven track record to that effect. Their expertise in both research and academic/professional training includes but not limited to: Education; Social Research; Public Policy; Governance; Public Health; Social Work; Agriculture & Rural Development; Capacity Building & Development; Social & Cultural Studies; Peace & Conflict Studies; Gender Studies; Youth Development & Engagement; Media Studies; Migration, Diaspora & Displacement; Medicine & Health Sciences; ICT; Business IT.
Research Staff, Research Associates & Research Assistants
As the first research center in the Southwest of Somalia (SWSS) with collaboration agreements with local and overseas academic institutions, Hakaba Institute for Research and Training of the University of Southern Somalia prides itself for engaging the highest number of published world class national and international researchers in any institution in the country. Hailing from different academic backgrounds, cultures, discipline areas and research interests, these scholars and experts are committed to making a difference in research and training in the Southwest State of Somalia and the entire Federal Republic of Somalia in what is an unprecedented shift in Somali studies. Testimonials of the published works of these academics and researchers are demonstrated on our website under the profile of each research fellow.
The Network of Scholars and Researchers of the University Of Southern Somalia
Prof. Dr. Mohamed H. Mukhtar
Savannah State University: History
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research interest: Somali history; Somali language; African and Middle Eastern history; history of Islam; Islamic & Middle Eastern civilizations; political Islam, Islam and global security; Islam and global economy; leadership
Prof. Dr. Ali Jimale Ahmed
Queens College; & the Graduate School, City University of New York (CUNY): Literature; Comparative Literature
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research Interest: Literature; literary criticism; literary thought & philosophy of literature; creative writing; African philosophy; comparative literature in global context; poetry, short story writing; creative writing and the novel, quality assurance, classical literature, postcolonial studies, political theory, social theory, leadership in higher education, educational policy, educational philosophy, educational research methodology, social science methods, educational methods,
Prof. Dr. Abdi M. Kusow
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Iowa State University, USA: sociology
Expertise & research Interest: sociological theory, political sociology, sociology of migration and the dynamics of the diaspora, social development, methodology, social work, social science methods, truancy and delinquency, marginalization, ethnic & minority studies, leadership, sociology of health & social work, sociology and comparative social theory, quality assurance, sociology of the insider/outsider identity politics.
Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir O. Farah
Aalborg University, Denmark: Political Science
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research Interest: political science, international relations, political economy, diaspora & transnationalism, development aid, political theory, globalization, European studies, migration, nationalism and global citizenship, political leadership, theory of transformation in global perspective.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed A. Eno
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Social Studies Education; Applied Linguistics & TESOL
St Clements University Lausanne, Switzerland; & St Clements University Somalia
Expertise & Research Interest: education, linguistics, poetry, social studies education, African & global studies, international education, educational policy & practice, social work, teacher education & training, community development, creative writing, literature & literary criticism, educational leadership, ethnic & minority studies, English language, applied linguistics & TESOL, quality assurance, educational policy, sociology of literature, research methodology, creative writing.
Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Farah (Bursaliid)
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Political Science: Int’l Relations & Diplomacy
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Expertise & Research Interest: political science, international studies, peace and conflict studies, development & dependency theory, security studies, political theory and analysis, social development, social work, government and good governance, public administration & policy studies, politics of aid & non-profit organizations, theory & practice in diplomacy and diplomatic relations.
Prof. Dr. Monica N. W. Mweseli (former Vice Chancellor, Kiriri Women’s University of
Science and Technology 2008 and 2009)
University of Nairobi: Literature
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research Interest: gender/women’s studies; creative writing; poetry; teacher training; literary & cultural criticism; educational leadership; world literatures; culturology; comparative literature; literature and society; African American literature; East African drama; practical criticism; language use in literature, leadership, media & society, social studies.
Prof. Anthony T. Osambo
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Tech. (JKUAT), Kenya: Accounting & Finance
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research Interest: agribusiness, business studies, accounting, finance & fiscal sciences, tax & taxation, statistics, teacher education, international business, marketing, development training, business research methods, international marketing, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, business leadership in global perspective and market research.
Prof. Dr. Danson S. Kahyana
Makerere University, Uganda: Literature & cultural studies
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research Interest: literary criticism, creative writing, African studies, postcolonial theory, teacher education, rhetoric, cultural studies, communication studies, educational leadership, media studies, comparative literature, teacher training, educational leadership, higher education and quality assurance.
Dr. Ibrahim A. Noor
University of Minnesota, USA: Monitoring & Evaluation
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Researcg Interest: quality assurance, development policy, policy analysis, social work, entrepreneurship, public administration, business administration, management development studies, professionalism & professional training, project design and management.
Prof. Dr. JKS Makokha
Kenyatta University, Kenya: Literature; Comparative Literature
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Expertise & Research Interest: creative writing, postcolonial theory, development theory, social work, communication studies, literature, global cultural studies, comparative literature, East African studies, educator, teacher trainer, educational policy, gender studies, global studies, media & society, social work, contemporary African society & community development, Africa in the midst of globalization.
Prof. Dr. F. Jonyo
University of Nairobi, Kenya: Political Science
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Political science, public administration, international relations & diplomacy, political theory, politics of industrialization in Africa, security studies, dependency & development theory, politics of multinational corporations, international political economy, regional integration, conflict resolution, peacekeeping & peace-building, leadership in higher education.
Prof. Dr. Adulahi A. Osman (Xiireey)
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS: Political Science
peace studies, conflict reconciliation, political analysis, international development, security studies, social work, international relations & diplomacy, public policy & administration, development consultancy, leadership & good governance, African studies and political theory.
Mohamed Haji Abdullahi (Ingiriis) DPhil (candidate: ABD)
University of Oxford, UK: Modern History/African Studies
University of Southern Somalia, Baidoa, SWSS
Somali Studies, state formation, society, culture, history and politics, leadership, diaspora & migration, gender studies, history of Islam in Africa, African political economy, development studies, development theory and dependency.
Hassan Sheikh Adan (EdD candidate)
University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada: Cross-cultural studies in education, social behavior, teacher education, teacher professional development, educational assessment, curriculum development & evaluation, community development & engagement, educational policy and planning.